Today in AI: Microsoft President Calles For A “Regulatory Blueprint” And More Regulation On AI

Microsoft President Calles For A “Regulatory Blueprint

Brad Smith the president of Microsoft asserted on Friday the need for “real clarity” around goals and principles of AI regulation, as he called for a “regulatory blueprint” that will need strict action at the private sector, governments, and global levels.

He said this new technology AI will remain under human control so mankind doesn’t need to worry about any future Apocalypse by AI. 

In the Summit of B20 India 2023 Smith said,

They have seen too many science fiction movies that turned out the other way. And as we are creating what feels like part of science fiction, we need companies and regulators to focus on that.

Smith advised that government and private sectors around the world need to create a regulatory blueprint. That blueprint implementation will ensure that those who are using AI in business need to know who their customers are, and how it is being used.

He said,

It means that there is a real focus on knowing what cloud it is being deployed, and focus on knowing the content that is being created and especially if it is being created and especially if it is being created by AI

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